
Thursday, 16 June 2016

Two ways to put a blog into a google site

I have recently discovered two ways to put a blog into a google site: adding a click through link on the navigation and embedding it.

1. The first is quite simple. You just go into the site and click on 'edit site layout' then go to 'add url', copy the url there and give the button the title. From the home page, the button will be on the navigation bar and when clicked on will open the blog in its own window. I also added a Google+ community the same way.

2. The second is more complicated and allows you to read and comment on the blog from within the site. Create a new page, give it the title you want and place it where you want it to be in the navigation bar. Go to the page and click on 'insert', then go to 'add a gadget' then click on 'public'. Type 'embed blogger' into the search, find it and 'select'. Copy in the URL, change the width to 100% and the height to 900, click on 'add a scroll bar' and preview. If it's how you like it, save and then save page.

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