
Thursday, 16 June 2016

Putting Screencastify and screenshots into a blog

Screenshots are best taken and put onto the desktop. With a mac this is cmd+shift+4 to take the shot. Then insert the image by clicking on the image icon and going to upload files. Choose the desktop and select the screenshot. Wait for it to upload and then 'add selected' into the blog. Here is a screenshot of our Google+ site.

For screencastify, first of all record the screen cast, then download it to your desktop and select the file in downloads, chose it and upload into the blog. It may take some time to upload so just be patient.


  1. Hey Angela, Room 2 here. We were googling how to do this on a chromebook and we need your help. How do we do this on a chromebook please?

    1. Hey, we worked it out. Tuatu is showing the video to some kids on the screen and they are learning together. Yay!

    2. Hi Room 2! So glad you could work it out. Screencastify is a great tool to use to teach others how to do things. The way I have explained is one way and there is another way I showed Room 11 and 10 students which is to open the screencast in its own window and then grab the embed code from the three little vertical dots on the righthand side of the screen. Happy screencasting!
