
Friday, 8 November 2019

DFI te rā tuawaru

Today was focussed on devices. We had some time with a Chromebook and an ipad. This integrated well with the Manaiakalani kaupapa because the explanation covered why these devices are the choices for use with the Manaiakalani model. There was also 101 Hapara Teacher Dashboard, a play with the Digital Dig anda chance to register for the Google Educator exam.
We were asked to create a screencast with reference to one of the content areas of the Manaiakalani cybersmart curriculum. I looked at Smart Media because I think this topic is a really interesting area for students and teachers to investigate. There is a lot of content that can be used or adapted to fit the age, stage and delivery angle, and it fits into a variety of learning areas for secondary school students.


  1. Kia Ora Angela,

    I thought today's workshop was very beneficial when it came to using the Chromebooks and Ipads - the same devices our learners use. In terms of shortcuts, I was fairly lost trying to find them during out 'Digital Dig' but if it were on a Mac, I would have finished it in minutes. It gives us a reminder that our students are learning on a different device and that it's important as educators to familiarise ourselves with it.

    Goodluck on the exam next week!


    1. Thanks Steve, for your comment. Yes, a Chromebook is a much different device from a MacBook. Good luck to you for your exam next Friday. I already have Level 1 and 2 and they don't need updating (you have to resit each exam every 3 years), so I won't be joining you next week.
