
Friday, 30 August 2019

All things 'Doc(k)y'

DFI day 1 has been focused on Google docs. The first thing that hit me was the words and phrases that I am increasingly seeing in use. The current one for me is 'deep dive'. This has recently been coming at me from all directions. No, I'm not researching an underwater holiday, but encountering this term meaning 'taking a thorough look at or into a particular subject matter'. Gone are the words 'focus', 'probe' or 'enquiry'. That got me thinking about the nature of language and common kīwaha, or sayings, which perhaps not coincidentally was the topic of this week's Te Reo lesson for the course I am on. The one I liked from my lesson was 'pai kare' which means 'by golly!', so every time I hear or read 'deep dive', I am going to think 'pai kare'! My first love is language so it's quite hard to distract me from language musing most days.
Anyway, I did concentrate on the content and for my 'create' part of the day, I decided to do a revision of the Trust meeting agenda and add a table of contents. I have created newsletters in docs and drawings, but am currently trialling 'mailchimp' which is the app that most organisations use for a professional look and which also automatically manages the newsletter subscription list.
So here is my new look agenda. I will trial it with trustees until the end of the year.


  1. HI Angela, interesting how different words or phrases can mean the same thing. This week I learned the word "Rumble" for when you have an honest conversation with somebody. Might just start using it at school.
    I like your new agenda, it looks very professional. I've never heard of "mailchimp" Will look into it a bit more.

  2. Kia ora Angela, ka tika to korero e pa ana ki ngā kupu hou. I think sometimes we underestimate how much the way we see things is determined by the way we say things. It's interesting how you are connecting what you are learning in your DFI with what you are learning in your other course and enriching your understanding of both. I imagine that the discussions you would have had with your colleagues today has also been enriching, can't wait to hear all about it next week!
