
Thursday, 7 June 2018

Using Google MyMaps for smart digital footprint

I completed this activity in three classes in term 2 and the teachers and students really enjoyed being able to plot their pin in the place they were born and write a few sentences about themselves as well as place a couple of photos of themselves and that place. A couple of students had some difficulties with not interfering with others' work or the layers of the map, but mostly it was an excellent lesson which could be adapted for other purposes.


  1. Hey miss G
    I love how you made this huge map.
    i have know clue how you did it maybe because you are a really smart teacher.
    can you try to move my marker to Ipswich in Australia.

    Thanks Jensyn

    1. Hi Jensyn, absolutely I can move your marker to Ipswich. I think it is really good that you went home after this class and had a conversation with your mum about where you were born.
