
Thursday, 7 June 2018

Using Google MyMaps for smart digital footprint

I completed this activity in three classes in term 2 and the teachers and students really enjoyed being able to plot their pin in the place they were born and write a few sentences about themselves as well as place a couple of photos of themselves and that place. A couple of students had some difficulties with not interfering with others' work or the layers of the map, but mostly it was an excellent lesson which could be adapted for other purposes.

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Ko Au - All About Me

During term 1 I have been teaching digital footprint in classes. Part of this was to ask students to write an introduction about themselves for their blog. This would be a smart piece of writing in that they wouldn't use any information that should not be shared online.
I started this with my year 3-4 classes in two schools and then decided to use it with the year 5-6 classes in some schools. When I thought about Kereru Park, I considered that many students there could speak Te Reo quite well and might prefer to write this in Māori. I mentioned it to Jason and he gave me the phrases on slide 2. Then, I went to class and asked the teacher, Whaea Horiana to help me with the correct phrases in Te Reo for slides 1 and 3 and this is the result. Please feel free to reuse or modify as you wish.