The education, health and homes programme of Kootuitui ki Papakura schools' cluster.
Monday, 3 September 2018
Smart Relationships
Here are some learning activities that I put together for one of the teachers I am supporting this year. Resources have come from Manaiakalani and Google, as well as my ideas. Only a few students got really into the Pick-a-Path story, which I thought would be very engaging but wasn't. The reason for this I think was that I probably needed to do some prior work with the students on algorithmic thinking so that they were in a good position to understand the planning process required for this activity.
Friday, 10 August 2018
Smart Relationships
Here is an online book I made with Book Creator. It works easily on chrome and is now good for chromebooks as well as tablets. There are many choices of colours, fonts, shapes and backgrounds, as well as the ability to upload images, record and also read aloud.
Thursday, 19 July 2018
Thursday, 12 July 2018
Kootuitui Whaanau video using Adobe Spark
Finally, after many hours, I got the final version of the video saved and ready for sharing. I decided not to do a voice over as I didn't want to have more issues with it that would affect what I'd already achieved. I also decided to make it a square format as it's easier to view on a phone and tablet. The major learning has been to keep the number of slides small and to wait each time I uploaded an image so that the programme had time to save as I made it.
And then I uploaded my video to my Youtube channel and here it is there:
Spark Adobe slides to video trial
I created a simple slide presentation into video using Spark Adobe. This was my second attempt and it only has 5 slides. This is because I started with creating a video of about 25 slides and discovered that the programme saves EXTREMELY slowly, so I decided to use a much smaller number of slides and the result was much better, especially if I am thinking of trialing in a class next term.
When my first attempt finally saves, I will also post it to this blog. It has a work focus and the purpose I was creating it was for the Kootuitui website as an artifact of the work our whaanau have been doing over the course of the year.
Wednesday, 11 July 2018
Critical Thinking and Fake News
During the Developing in Digital Worlds workshops, I observed many teachers creating learning experiences for their students based on collaborative reasoning and argumentation. I considered how, as a facilitator, I could create some engaging learning activities along this line. Classes were studying 'digital footprint' and had been assessing sites and emails for signs of phishing. They were learning how to detect lies and stay true. I considered some of the topics that we had covered in the DIDW sessions and thought about how these could be incorporated with lie detection and came up with the activity above.
It was quite challenging as it required students to read the information on the site I had provided with respect to the statement in blue and then find two other different and reliable sites that corroborated that message. When they could do this, the 'Rule of 3' can be assumed to mean that the statement is true. It was difficult because students had to read the whole texts that they were given and also that they accessed. Sometimes the heading or title made a statement that wasn't actually proven by the text. Often, the crux of the text was right at the bottom of a fairly long article and students had to persevere, scroll down, by-pass adds etc to get to the end.
Some students made a very good attempt. I also learnt that allowing students to do this with one or two others helped them all to complete it. Have a look at:
Manaiakalani Innovation Team - connecting with each other
In the final week of term 2, all the facilitators working in the Manaiakalani programme met together for debrief and planning days. We each had 5 minutes to talk about our work in our cluster over the term. Here is what I presented from Kootuitui. The first slide was a screenshot of what I found when I search Kootuitui ki Papakura in Google images. It shows our logo numerous times, our strands of work, some of our sponsors/supporters and also our links with Manaiakalani and other clusters. The second slide represents the children at the heart of our work - they are always happy to see us and engage in cybersmart learning. Slide three represents the difficulties at times of working in multiple strands, in various places with different people and trying to keep everyone on the same track. Slide four states the goals of our facilitators, and slide five focusses on how we best get the work done; by sharing.
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Using Google MyMaps for smart digital footprint
I completed this activity in three classes in term 2 and the teachers and students really enjoyed being able to plot their pin in the place they were born and write a few sentences about themselves as well as place a couple of photos of themselves and that place. A couple of students had some difficulties with not interfering with others' work or the layers of the map, but mostly it was an excellent lesson which could be adapted for other purposes.
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
Ko Au - All About Me
During term 1 I have been teaching digital footprint in classes. Part of this was to ask students to write an introduction about themselves for their blog. This would be a smart piece of writing in that they wouldn't use any information that should not be shared online.
I started this with my year 3-4 classes in two schools and then decided to use it with the year 5-6 classes in some schools. When I thought about Kereru Park, I considered that many students there could speak Te Reo quite well and might prefer to write this in Māori. I mentioned it to Jason and he gave me the phrases on slide 2. Then, I went to class and asked the teacher, Whaea Horiana to help me with the correct phrases in Te Reo for slides 1 and 3 and this is the result. Please feel free to reuse or modify as you wish.
I started this with my year 3-4 classes in two schools and then decided to use it with the year 5-6 classes in some schools. When I thought about Kereru Park, I considered that many students there could speak Te Reo quite well and might prefer to write this in Māori. I mentioned it to Jason and he gave me the phrases on slide 2. Then, I went to class and asked the teacher, Whaea Horiana to help me with the correct phrases in Te Reo for slides 1 and 3 and this is the result. Please feel free to reuse or modify as you wish.
Monday, 7 May 2018
Term 2 Digital Footprint
This is the resource I have put together for term 2 cybersmart - digital footprint. I started using this with five teachers last week. All classes have a slightly different version of this resource because I decided to make separate copies for each school to provide a similar base of content and then to cater for the differing needs of teachers and students. I expect that over the course of the term, the content will change further as I work with teachers and continue to co-construct.
Week 1 started well with discussing what happened recently with facebook. Many students thought that facebook's user data had been hacked, so we had some great discussions about what really happened and then why it is important to be aware of age restrictions for social networking sites, as well as how to keep your privacy settings up to date.
There are some things I still need to add including students making an up-to-date blog profile and building in blog posting and commenting - positive, thoughtful, helpful.
Two of my year 3-4 classes are still back working through a few more term 1 items and then I will begin an age-appropriate digital footprint curriculum for them.
Week 1 started well with discussing what happened recently with facebook. Many students thought that facebook's user data had been hacked, so we had some great discussions about what really happened and then why it is important to be aware of age restrictions for social networking sites, as well as how to keep your privacy settings up to date.
There are some things I still need to add including students making an up-to-date blog profile and building in blog posting and commenting - positive, thoughtful, helpful.
Two of my year 3-4 classes are still back working through a few more term 1 items and then I will begin an age-appropriate digital footprint curriculum for them.
Sunday, 22 April 2018
Evaluation from EdTech Akl Summit
Baruk Jacobs and I presented at the Edtech Summit in Auckland. Sadly, only 4 people completed the evaluation but the results are:
What I can take from this limited response is that participants were fairly happy with the content and format of our session. There isn't much from this to work on for our uLearn submission, but we have our own reflections and ideas to make improvements. Even so, it is good to get some feedback which includes positive and encouraging comments.
What I can take from this limited response is that participants were fairly happy with the content and format of our session. There isn't much from this to work on for our uLearn submission, but we have our own reflections and ideas to make improvements. Even so, it is good to get some feedback which includes positive and encouraging comments.
Wednesday, 18 April 2018
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
EdTech Google Summit Auckland 2018
This summit has held in the first two days of the April school holidays. It was a great time for learning, listening, trying things out, networking and sharing. It was quite hard to choose what sessions to attend, however through the summit app, the resources for all sessions were accessible - and this included all summits - NZ and overseas. What a terrific resource for continuing learning.
I appreciated the messages from the keynote speakers such as the importance of play in learning and encouraging students to tell their own stories. I have a number of activities from the workshops I attended to investigate and think about how these could be adapted for classrooms I facilitate in. I also appreciated the workshop in Te Reo that I attended and have a list of technological words in Māori that I can trust are correct. Here is the list should blog readers be interested. I'm going to try using one word a week and that way I may remember them.
Baruk and I did our workshop. We were quite critical of our performance and immediately jotted down ways to improve it. We are now working on an upscaled version for submitting for uLearn 2018. I am very grateful to everyone who shared their knowledge, expertise and resources.
I appreciated the messages from the keynote speakers such as the importance of play in learning and encouraging students to tell their own stories. I have a number of activities from the workshops I attended to investigate and think about how these could be adapted for classrooms I facilitate in. I also appreciated the workshop in Te Reo that I attended and have a list of technological words in Māori that I can trust are correct. Here is the list should blog readers be interested. I'm going to try using one word a week and that way I may remember them.
Baruk and I did our workshop. We were quite critical of our performance and immediately jotted down ways to improve it. We are now working on an upscaled version for submitting for uLearn 2018. I am very grateful to everyone who shared their knowledge, expertise and resources.
Monday, 22 January 2018
Manaiakalani Innovation Team - Connecting with Each Other
Today I spent a great day with the Manaiakalani Innovation Team which comprised the Manaiakalani leaders, the outreach facilitators and education programme leaders of the first and second outreach clusters. The second outreach is beginning and the team has expanded greatly with wonderful educators coming onboard.
Through the day everyone delivered their 5-minute introduction. This was a way for people to connect with one another. The DLO above was my introduction. I have changed the first slide because I didn't have my pepeha (introduction in Te Reo Māori) written on it at he time. I hadn't put it there because I didn't want to read it. So I had it on my phone as a reminder. However, I used my phone too much and have decided to learn this by heart for the next time and learn to rely solely on my memory.
I shall not be able to join the group again during the week as I have Kootuitui orientation and meetings scheduled, but I am keen to join the weekly online meetings from the start of the term. There is so much we can share about our work and I can learn from the others of the group.
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