
Monday, 19 June 2017

Create: Kootuitui ki Papakura

This was my first real creation project using imovie. It took me some time to get my head around how the video editor works. The features are similar to but a little different from others that I've used, eg wevideo, so discriminating what was alike and what was different was something that kept me thinking and testing, especially in the beginning. 

After that, it was quite straightforward to use. I was able to place and trim the videos, add photos, download and upload ambient music, add titles and labels.

Then I uploaded the finished video into my YouTube channel. From here I played around with the captions. The captions that YouTube gave me could not transcribe the Māori words, so I typed and placed the captions myself. I'm pretty proud of the end result.

Things I could work on next are getting better videos and photos, as well as more voices - as us four only represents a small portion of the people and groups who have a part of our work.

Thanks to Maria, for some of the imovie tips and to Jason, for the YouTube caption help.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Angela,
    Great video. I like the way you have pulled the different strands and images together. You could consider adding some more captions to go with the images for those who are totally new to the cluster.
