
Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Kootuitui logo

"Kootuitui means connecting/linking or weaving together. In this programme it is about connecting the dimensions of Digital Education, Students’ Health and Healthy Homes.

The name has been chosen in consultation with manawhenua for Papakura schools participating in the Manaiakalani Outreach Programme. 

The logo in the first instance is the result of collaboration between Year 7&8 students and a teacher at Edmund Hillary School. The teacher crafted the logo by combining the main themes and colours from students’ work. Edmund Hillary School’s business partners KPMG created the digital format. Then the teacher painted the logo in oils (pictured).

The logo depicts Uenuku, the Rainbow God, as the source providing clarity from heaven. The purple koru represents Education. The green koru represents Health and the lavender koru below represents Healthy Homes and Whanau. All three koru connect/link to the universe through the name Kootuitui. 

The three waves depicted in the purple koru represent kia ako (to learn), kia hanga (to create) and kia tohatoha (to share). 
This is the pedagogy central to the Manaiakalani Outreach programme."

na Kataraina Nock Principal Edmund Hillary School October 2015

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