
Thursday, 24 March 2016

Chromebook Launches

   A number of schools in the cluster have now launched their chromebooks. What this means is that the parents of all the classes involved in the 1:1 digital immersion programme have all committed to purchasing a device for their child/ren. This commitment is expressed in a $40 deposit and weekly on-going payments for 1, 2 or 3 years.
   When you consider that some families have multiple children in the programme, perhaps at both a primary and high school, this is a very significant commitment. These schools are all decile 1, bar one, which means that families have the lowest incomes, the most crowded homes, and the least education of everyone in the country. Just putting food on the table each day is a challenge, which some primary schools have responded to by providing a free breakfast, morning tea and lunch everyday for their students.
   The Papakura community is one of the poorest in NZ, yet, families have signed up for these chromebooks because they are intent on providing the same opportunities for their children as those in more wealthy communities have. One parent at a recent launch was seen to hold a chromebook and express the idea that now, her children will become the doctors, lawyers and teachers of the local community.
   These children indeed have their hands firmly on their own device for learning: for opening up to them the world of knowledge, of creativity, of thinking, of learning, of setting their own path into their futures. All credit to the parents and whanau for their support of their children and the schools. We are excited to be in partnership with you all.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Chromebook Care Collage

This morning, I learnt to take photos, make a 4-picture collage and then add captions to demonstrate how to care for a chromebook. The students did their own collages and I sat alongside my group making mine. Thanks to the wonderful students of Room 9 at Ruapotaka School. I shall definitely do this when I have classes of my own.

Monday, 14 March 2016

My 6-Word Summer Remix Using Mozilla Thimble

This was a great lesson with the year 7 and 8's at Stonefields School. We remixed a summer poem and picture to learn, create and share our work. We altered HTML script and learnt how to link the outcome to the photographer and our personal blogs.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Sponsorship Announcement Breakfast

Last week I was invited to a breakfast launch of Westpac's sponsorship of the Mana-a-Riki programme. This programme is run by the Middlemore Foundation which supports the Kootuitui Cluster through the provision of funding for aspects of our work. At this breakfast were a number of Westpac employees, people representing other community funding organisations, representatives from the Middlemore Foundation, the health sector and our own educational institutions.

There was an enormous amount of goodwill in the room to get behind this initiative. But as I looked around I realised one important thing: that the community all these people were here to support was not very well represented. Yes, there was the chair of our Trust, two school principals, two board of trustees chairmen. But where were the people of this community whose children attend our schools? While never under-valuing the leaders of our community who are driving this programme, it will be good to see the 'ordinary' people; the recipients; the mums and dads who are paying their $3.75 per week to purchase a chromebook for their child; in the room as real people rather than just statistics.